
bitli piyade

1. nesil Yazar - Şevkli

  1. toplam entry 318
  2. takipçi 32
  3. puan 8946


bitli piyade
bb king'in bir barda, lucille adında bir kız yüzünden çıkan kavga sonucu kavga sırasında unuttuğu gitarını bara gidip tekrar almasından sonra gitarına verdiği isim. arkansas'da düzenli olarak çaldığı barda iki adam kavga çıkarır ve o sırada insanların etrafında dans ettiği içinde ateş yanan bir varil devrilir ve bar alev alır. bb king de herkes gibi dışarıya kaçar fakat dışarıdayken gitarını içeride unuttuğunu fark eder ve içeri koşup gitarını kurtarır. daha sonra bb king barda kavga eden iki adamın lucille adındaki bir kız için kavga ettiğini öğrenir ve gitarına bu ismi verir. ve bu olaydan sonra şu şarkıyı yazar

The sound that you're listening to is from my guitar
That's named Lucille. I'm very crazy about Lucille.
Lucille took me from the plantation. Oh you might say,
Brought me fame.
I don't think I could just talk enough about Lucille.
Sometime when I'm blue seem like Lucille try to help
Me call my name.

I used to sing spirituals and I thought that this was
The thing that I wanted to do. But somehow or other
When I went in the army I picked up on Lucille, and
Started singing blues.

Well, now when I'm paying my dues, maybe you don't
Know what I mean when I say paying dues, I mean when
Things are bad with me. I can always, I can always,
You know like, depend on Lucille.

Sort of hard to talk to you myself. I guess I'll let
Lucille say a few words and then.

You know, I doubt if you can feel it like I do. But
When I think about the things that I've gone through,
Like, well for instance, if I have a girlfriend and
She misuses me, and I go home at night, maybe I'm
Lonely, well not maybe, I am lonely, I pick up Lucille
And it bring out those funny sounds that sound good to
Me, you know. Sometime I get to the place where I
Can't even say nothing.

Look out.

Sometime I think it's crying.

You know, if I could sing pop tunes like Frank Sinatra
Or Sammy Davis Junior, I don't think I still could do
It, 'cause Lucille don't wanna play nothing but the
Blues. I think I'm, I think I'm pretty glad about
That. Cause don't nobody sing to me like Lucille.
Sing, Lucille.

Well, I'll put it like this. Take it easy, Lucille. I
Like the way Sammy sings and I like the way Frank
Sings, but I can get a little Frank, Sammy, a little
Ray Charles, in fact all the people with soul in

A little Mahalia Jackson in there.

One more, Lucille!

Take it easy now.

You know, I imagine a lot of you wanna know, a lot of
You wanna know why I call the guitar Lucille. Lucille
Has practically saved my life two or three times. No
Kidding, it really has.

I remember once I was in an automobile accident, and
When the car stopped turning over, it fell over on
Lucille, and it held it up off me, really, it held it
Up off me. So that's one time it saved my life.

The way, the way I came by the name of Lucille, I was
Over in Twist, Arkansas, I know you've never heard of
That one, have you? And one night the guys started a
Ball over there, you know, they started brawling, you
Know what I mean. And the guy that was mad with his
Old lady, when she fell over on this gas tank that was
Burning for heat, the gas ran all over the floor.

And when the gas ran all over the floor, the building
Caught on fire, and almost burned me up trying to save
Lucille. Oh I, I imagine you're still wondering why I
Call it Lucille, the lady that started that brawl that
Night was named Lucille.

And that's been Lucille ever since to me. One more
Now, Lucille.

Sounds pretty good to me. Can I do one more?

Look out, Lucille.

Sounds pretty good. I think I'll try one more. All

eppur si muove

bitli piyade
yine de dönüyor.
ne dersem diyeyim, ne yaparsam yapayım, ne kadar olanı inkâr edersem ya da ötelersem öteleyeyim bu bir gerçek. dünya dönecek ve ben toz olacağım. dilim ne derse desin, bu değişmeyecek.
olsam da olmasam da dönecek.
bu bana hem dayanma gücü veriyor; bir gerçek çünkü.
hem de hüzün veriyor, olanı değiştirme gücümün olmadığını çarpıyor suratıma.

Galileo Galilei
ayrıca haggard'ın 2004 çıkışlı albümü ve bu albümde bir şarkı. haggard hayranı yapmak istediğiniz kişiye dinletmeniz gereken ilk şarkı. sözleri inglizce, italyanca ve almanca dilleriyle harmanlanmıştır. müzikal bi' orgazm daha da ötesi yok.


my son, beware.
... of all that your eyes cannot see
trust your mind
and strenghten your abilities

did you ever touch the starlight ?
dream for a thousand years?
have you ever seen the beauty
of a newborn century?

and now's the time to enter
a new way, things to see
man is just a weak reflection
in evolution's history

and in your hour of darkness
it will guide your way:

la bellezza del paese di galilei

e nella mia ora più buia
loro splenderanno
spenderanno per me

geboren im flackernden kerzenschein
verfasst in dunkler zeit
ein altes stück von pergament
sich mit der feder vereint

der zeichnung seines arms entspringt
der universen zelt
es ist der zeiten anbeginn
und ändert diese welt

des universums zelt

nato al lume guizzante della candela
scritto in tempi oscuri
sulla vecchia pergamena
scorre la penna
e dal suo braccio nasce
il disegno delle volte celesti
è l'inizio dei tempi
e cambierà il mondo

my son, take care...
of what the cross wants you to be
trust your eyes
and strenghten your abilities

did you ever touch the starlight ?
dream for a thousand years?
have you ever seen the beauty
of a newborn century?

and time has come to doubt
about the holy verse
it is just a weak reflection
in our endless universe

and in your hour of darkness
the beauty guides your way:

la bellezza del paese di galilei

e nella mia ora più buia
loro splenderanno
spenderanno per me

the ecstasy of gold

bitli piyade
ennio morricone'nin iyi kötü ve çirkin için 1966'da bestelediği eser.
mezarlık sahnesinde çirkinin koşması üzerine gelen partisyondur.

gözünü kapatıp dinlediğinde küçük dağları yaratırsın. ilerledikçe hızını alamaz, dünyayı yarattığını sanabilirsin. normal, yan etkilerinde yazıyor.
öncelikle klasik olan elbette;

sonra metallica'dan;

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