
nothing no more

3. nesil Yazar - Hevesli

  1. toplam entry 18
  2. takipçi 1
  3. puan 2224

this i love

nothing no more
Son zamanlarda geri sarıp sarıp yerine repeate alarak duraksız dinlediğim gnr şarkısı

And now I don't know why
She wouldn't say goodbye
But then it seems that I
Had seen it in her eyes

Though it might not be wise
I'd still have to try
With all the love I have inside
I can't deny

I just can't let it die
'Cause her heart's just like mine
She holds her pain inside

So if you ask me why
She wouldn't say goodbye
I know somewhere inside

There is a special light
Still shining bright
And even on the darkest night
She can't deny

So if she's somewhere near me
I hope to God she hears me
There's no one else
Could ever make me feel
I'm so alive
I hoped she'd never leave me
Please God you must believe me
I've searched the universe
And found myself
Within' her eyes

No matter how I try
They say it's all a lie
So what's the use of my
Confessions to a crime
Of passions that won't die
In my heart

So if she's somewhere near me
I hope to God she hears me
There's no one else
Could ever make me feel
I'm so alive
I hoped she'd never leave me
Please God you must believe me
I've searched the universe
And found myself
Within' her eyes

So if she's somewhere near me
I hope to God she hears me
There's no one else
Could ever make me feel
I'm so alive

I hoped she'd never leave me
Please God you must believe me
I've searched the universe
And found myself
Within' her eyes

And now I don't know why
She wouldn't say goodbye
It just might be that I
Had seen it in her eyes
And now it seems that I
Gave up my ghost of pride
I'll never say goodbye

allah bükemeyeceği demir yaratabilir mi

nothing no more
kaldıramayacağı taş değil miydi bu yahu? ne zaman bükemeyeceği demir oldu. milattan önce 322'de ölmüş aristo'nun öğrettiği mantık üzerine bir kum tanesi koyamamış ilkel beyinlere ait bir soru.

cevap basit allahın yaratamayacağı güçte demir de, bükemeyeceği demir de yoktur. buradan allah bükemeyeceği demir yaratamaz öyleyse allah yeterince güçlü değildir çıkarımı yapabiliyorsan. binary code dışına çıkıp asla kuantumu çözemeyeceksin demektir.

kendini çok zorlama zaten.
(bir ateist)

nothing no more

nothing no more
century şarkısı.

sözleri de şöyle,

It`s never easy in this routine
To understand, what this could mean
You are the one, who knows my needs
And you will always understand me
You will always understand
It`s never easy to be loved
It`s never easy to hold on
Please love my denial
Don`t touch me tonight
Can`t you feel my heart means nothing to me
Nothing, nomore
It`s never easy to create
To build, what everybody breaks
It`s never time to let things out
For people, who will always doubt
And if it`s time to recognize
You will see it in my eyes
Please love my denial
Don`t touch me tonight
Can`t you…

ve bu da şarkı

karışık kızartma

nothing no more
genellikle patates, biber, kabak ve patlıcan dörlü sebze grubunun kızgın sıvı yağda pişirilmesi şeklinde yapılan ve nedense daha çok yazları tüketilen yemek.
üzerine tercihe göre yoğurt, sarımsaklı yoğur veya domates sosu dökülebilir.

bu dörtlünün içinde kabak kızartmasını pek de çekici bulmadığımı söylemek isterim.

(bkz:kabak tadı vermek)

bir alman anasının ağıdı

nothing no more
orijinal ismi "lied einer deutschen mutter" olan güzel bir bertolt brecht şiiridir. almancası şöyledir:

"mein sohn, ich hab dir die stiefel
und dies braune hemd geschenkt:
hätt ich gewußt, was ich heute weiß
hätt ich lieber mich aufgehängt.

mein sohn, als ich deine hand sah
erhoben zum hitlergruß
wußte ich nicht, daß dem, der ihn grüßet
die hand verdorren muß.

mein sohn, ich hörte dich reden
von einem heldengeschlecht.
wußte nicht, ahnte nicht, sah nicht:
du warst ihr folterknecht.

mein sohn, und ich sah dich marschieren
hinter dem hitler her
und wußte nicht, daß, wer mit ihm auszieht
zurück kehrt er nimmermehr.

mein sohn, du sagtest mir, deutschland
wird nicht mehr zu kennen sein.
wußte nicht, es würd werden
zu asche und blutigem stein.

sah das braune hemd dich tragen
habe mich nicht dagegen gestemmt.
denn ich wußte nicht, was ich heut weiß:

es war dein totenhemd."